In One Month
+ Have room to my liking
+ Have working bank account up and running
+ Joined sports club for gym and atleast spoken to some one RE: one sports club interest perhaps spinning.
+ Get a head start on all my reading and go through study skill tutorials to help me to be a more effective reading, critical analyzer and technical writer.
+ Compile a full expense and budget spread sheet to track my spending and living expenses
In Three Months
+ Make steps to over coming my fear of large crowds and public forums. Develop my theory "confidence as a weapon to effective speaking".
+ Have a full grasp of technical, analytical, academic reading and writing.
+ Have read all my required and recommended text
+ Remember to keep updating my expense spread sheet
+ Remember to get more involved in clubs and other activities (become a better rounded individual)
+ Write fully defined business objective and structure for tanville.
In 1 year
+ Have further improved skills in the web arena, have established certification which speaks to my level of understading and experience in the field.
+ Futher improve my understanding of business and marketing.
+ Have a good understanding of finance and investments.
+ Find a job working in th information systems discipline preferably in a place where I can gain significant experience and big day tasks.
+ Establish tanville as a premier business intelligence company with ties to many distribution companies in barbados and elsewhere. Providing quality quantitative and market research information with a sucessful marketing and event portfolio to back it.
In 3 years
+ Be a better rounded individual.
+ Be more interested in social happenings by reading the paper and listening to the news.
+ Have sound investments
+ Would like to take on a management/ leadership role.
+ Would like to have tanville as a sucessfully growing market research and business intelligence company with strong ties and relationships to educational institutions to aid with the development of information professionals in the form work term and job attachment agreements.
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Wouldn't it be nice to look back in one year's time and realize that you have grown emotionally? You are able to and are more comfortable expressing your feelings. I speak about this regarding but not limited to feeling of affection you may have towards individuals whom you consider to be part of your family.
Why that is exactly what i'm writing about at this very moment
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